Build a Pond

Here are the DIY basics to building a pond once you have all the necessary tools, equipment and have made a preliminary survey of the terrain for your water garden.

  • Finding an appropriate location
  • Excavation of the hole
  • Installation of pond liner
  • Adding and conditioning water
  • Filter installation and placing of rocks or ornaments
  • Planting appropriate pond plants
  • Introducing live inhabitant such as fish, snails, etc.

Step 1

-The best way to start excavating a hole is using a regular flat shovel found in all hardware stores. You first need to mark the ground to get an idea of the shape and size of the pond prior excavating. Remember to remove grass 6-12 inches beyond the water garden perimeter so you can have a flat surface.

Step 2

Starting along the edge, dig out the edging to a depth of 9 to 12 inches. Then

– Start to remove dirt in the marked area in layers, always digging from the center towards the perimeter. The goal is to dig a hole that will be 9-12 inches deep for the installation of the liner. Allow 2 inches for sand underlayment at the bottom of the pond. Create special spots for certain plants and for pond fish if desired. If your water garden will be in a zone with freezing temperatures, you will need an area that will not freeze during winter. Generally speaking, an area of 3 feet deep by 3 feet in with is necessary but that will depend on your particular region. Excavate areas for marginal plants, the depth should be 8- to 12-inch as this is ideal for plants that grow in shallow water. Make sure to have a drawing or at least a general idea of how your water garden will look to place plants appropriately. Make sure the edge of the pond is raised at least 1 inch to install the liner and to prevent pond overflow.

Step 3

Make sure to inspect the finished excavated hole for sharp stones, roots or anything that can cause puncture to your pond liner. You must make sure your surface is smooth to prevent problems in the future.Carefully inspect the hole for sharp stones or roots and remove them. In places where large rocks where removed, you can use sand as filler to level the surface. The bottom of the pond should have couple of underlayment material.


Step 4

The fourth step is installing the liner. Try to do this on a dry day so as to avoid the mess of doing this under water. Avoid puncturing the liner by stretching it out and not dragging it on the ground. Carefully place the liner over the excavated hole and weight down the linger with rocks or bricks. Once in place, you can start filling the pond with water and remove the stones and bricks. Cut off the excess liner on the edges but make sure to leave enough so they can be placed under the edging stones.

Step 5

Start nailing the liner to the ground using 20d nails around the edges. You should be nailing the liner every foot around the pond perimeter. Once the liner is firmly installed, you can start arranging edging stones other ornaments around the pond to give it a natural look.

Below is a great video to details how to build a bond step by step.